May I help you?

For more than 10 years, I have seen the health and bodily functions of patients develop in a very positive way. I know what chiropractic can do and how your potential will develop if you do your part.
From young to old, people come to us for a variety of reasons. From a chiropractic perspective, the goal of efforts is always the elimination of so-called subluxations (vertebral misalignments), which prevent nerve impulses from being transmitted from the brain to the body and vice versa. Only through the proper functioning of the nervous system that the body is able to develop its self-healing potential.
I take care of my patients according to this philosophy. Without injections, drugs and surgery, my goal is to restore and maintain your health for the long term.
We have seen the most positive changes in our practice for the following complaints:
Migraine, dizziness, neck and back problems, children with ADHD, reading difficulties, coordination problems, memory problems, posture problems, ISG blockage,
Numbness in hands and feet, calcified shoulder, foot sprain, scoliosis, hunchback, pelvic obliquity, CMD, gait disorders, stress, sleep disorders, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, slipped discs
Simply send your registration for an initial examination by email to:, or call us directly: +49 – 7623 – 747 99 00

What method do we use?

Gonstead’s method is one of the safest and most effective technique of adjusting (treating) the spine because rotational treatments are never used.

I was trained in this method at the Palmer College of Chiropractic and the Troxell Clinic, Iowa, USA (Dr. Troxell was a student of Dr. Gonstead), where I was later in the position to teach chiropractic students.

In our practice we only use this method. This was brought to life in the US by Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead. He was first an engineer before he trained to become a chiropractor. Simply put, he always analyzed man taking the leaning Tower of Pisa as the basis.

The spine exam is not just done during the initial exam, but every time you come in. It consists of measuring the temperature of the skin above the spine with an instrument that measures the temperature difference between the right and left side above each vertebral body. A difference must be measured in the event of vertebral misalignment (subluxation). This way I can determine if an adjustment is needed and when it is needed. The affected vertebral body is then carefully scanned each time, dynamically for movement and statically for tenderness and swelling. If necessary, the difference in leg length is measured. In addition, special x-rays are needed, but these cannot be easily made in Germany.

Adjustments are not achieved by rotating the spine, as it is usually the case, but by targeted pressure on the affected vertebral bodies, the latter being pushed in a certain direction in order to restore the normal functions of the vertebral body and therefore of the nervous system. Direction of movement, depth, force and speed are adjusted for each patient.

Click here if you have more questions about chiropractic.

Simply send your registration for an initial examination by email to: or call us directly: +49 – 7623 – 747 99 00


We have seen the most positive changes in our practice for the following complaints:

  • migraines
  • dizziness
  • Neck and back problems
  • Children with ADHD
  • Poor memory
  • Postural disturbances
  • Ileosacral blockages
  • Numbness of hands and feet
  • calcified shoulder
  • Ankle sprains
  • Scoliosis
  • Hunched back
  • Pelvic obliquity
  • CMD
  • Gait disturbance
  • Stress
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Shoulder pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Herniated disc
Chiropraktiker Lörrach Basel
Chiropraktiker Bad Säckingen

You are in Basel, Pratteln, Liestal, Muttenz, Riehen, Weil am Rhein, Bad Säckingen or Grenzach-Wyhlen and need chiropractic ?

Chiropraktiker Lörrach

I look forward to welcoming you to my practice soon.