
+49 7623 747 99 00

Kapuzinerstr. 5
79618 Rheinfelden (Baden)

Good to know!

Costs and insurance

If you have statutory health insurance (with or without additional insurance), the appointment has to be paid for immediately after treatment. It is billed according to the fee schedule for doctors in Germany (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte-GOÄ). Statutory health insurance (with or without additional insurance) does not cover our costs because we are a private medical office.

If you are privately insured, you will receive an invoice according to GOÄ. This must always be paid after each appointment. Reimbursement of treatment costs from insurance companies or reimbursement agencies may not be guaranteed or not fully guaranteed. We therefore do not guarantee a refund and advise you to contact your mutual insurance company beforehand to know that the costs will be covered.

Swiss patients can ask their health insurance if they have an additional insurance which can cover all or part of the costs of medical services abroad.