The philosophy behind American chiropractic is that the human body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism. Accordingly, humans are usually born completely healthy and in full possession of their self-healing powers. Birth trauma, falls, injuries or other influences can lead to nerve disorders and misalignments of the vertebrae in the course of life.
These changes weaken the body and deprive it of its innate ability to achieve its full health potential. Chiropractic is not primarily about relieving pain or treating symptoms. Rather, it is about relieving the nervous system by correcting misalignments of the spine and thus promoting the body’s self-healing in a natural way. For this purpose, the chiropractor gives the appropriate impulses to eliminate pressure that causes illness and to improve the function and communication in the human body.
The top priority is the holistic view of the human being.
The chiropractor applies gentle, targeted, and controlled pressure to various parts of the spine and musculoskeletal system to correct (acquired) misalignments. The adjustment can be done with the help of different chiropractic techniques. The goal is always to take the pressure off the nervous system and activate the body’s self-healing powers.
PhD Chang Ha Suh, an expert in spinal biomechanics at the University of Colorado, published the following statement: “…misalignments of the vertebra lead to fundamental changes in the healthy body by causing structural dysfunction of the spine and by nerve disorders. Just the weight of a coin on a spinal nerve is enough to reduce nerve impulse transmission by up to 60%.”
In addition, people must be informed about the causes of misaligned vertebrae. These include: chemical stress (type of food, alcohol, tobacco, etc.), emotional stress (divorce, fear of the future, bullying at work, death in the family, etc.) and physical stress (bend over, look at cell phone, crossed legs). hitting, sitting all the time, etc.). You have to get to know each other over time so that a basis of trust can be created for suggestions for improvement. Only this teamwork between patient and chiropractor will lead to the desired goal over time.
In Germany, chiropractic is a treatment method, not a profession. In Germany, only doctors and naturopaths are allowed to train and practice chiropractic.